Date and Venue of Next North Knapdale Community Council Meeting:
7.30 pm Wednesday 26th February 2025 at Achnamara Village Hall
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting 20th November 2024
Meeting Minutes – 20th November (Tayvallich Village Hall)
High Brenfield Wind Farm 2nd Public Exhibition FAQs
Tayvallich Initiative Report – November 2024
Police Scotland Report for NKCC – November 2024
Agenda – 20th November 2024 Tayvallich Village Hall
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of 22nd August 2024:
Meeting Minutes – 22nd August (Achnamara Village Hall)
Sgt Shaw – Area Planning Group Report – August 2024
Tayvallich Initaitive Report – August 2022
Agenda – 22nd August 2024 Achnamara Village Hall
Police Report for NKCC – OLI-MAKI – July 2024
Police Report for NKCC – OLI-MAKI – June 2024
Minutes of North Knapdale AGM & Community Council Meeting of 23rd May 2024:
AGM Minutes – 23rd May (Crinan Coffee Shop)
Accounts for Y/E 01/04/2024
Meeting Minutes – 23rd May (Crinan Coffee Shop)
There are a couple of points to highlight:
- On Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th and Friday 19th July there will be up to 200 people in our area in a large orienteering event. Most will arrive on buses from Lochgilphead, but around 30 cyclists are expected. Take extra care on our local roads! Further details are here: Coast and Islands
- The NKCC Secretary has received the following email from Forestry & Land Scotland:
We are planning to undertake some tree management work at the start of the Crinan Walk week commencing 17th June. As you probably know we have been monitoring the levels if ash die back in this area to see if any resilience to the disease occurs. Some of the trees are now at a stage where it is now prudent to remove them before they become too hazardous to the chainsaw operator should they deteriorate further. This will also allow us the opportunity to access to the condition of the larger trees. We hope to conclude the works within the week with minimum disruption to visitors. We will have banks people on site to advice members of the public when the felling operations are taking place. This means that there will be delays, but we will explain the reason behind us asking them to wait.
You might also be interested in buying timber for firewood from FLS. If so, contact where you will be provided with details of how to purchase wood set aside specifically for local use.
Date and Venue of Next North Knapdale Community Council Meeting and 2024 AGM:
7.30 pm Thursday 23rd May 2024 at Crinan Coffee Shop
Agenda – 23rd May 2024 Crinan Coffee Shop
Police Report for NKCC – MAKI – March-April 2024
AGM Agenda (2024) – 23rd May 2024
Notice of uncontested election – 2nd May 2024
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of
27th February 2024:
Meeting Minutes – 27th February (Tayvallich Village Hall)
Other supporting documents can be found on the Meeting Minutes page.
An important supporting document gives notice of the North Knapdale CC by-election for 3 places. If you are interested and would like to know more about what is involved, please contact the Secretary.
- Documents about the Mink Control Project
- March 2024 Police Report
- Notice of NKCC By-election
- Argyll & Bute Budget Motions
- Information & Membership Form for Cairnbaan Community Trust
- FLS Walk Tuesday 23 April
- Tayvallich Initiative Update
Agenda – 27th February 2024 Tayvallich Village Hall
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of
23rd November 2023:
Meeting Minutes – 23rd November (Achnamara Village Hall)
Other supporting documents can be found on the Meeting Minutes page.
Agenda – 23rd August 2023 Achnamara Village Hall
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – November 2023
Public Meeting with Forestry & Land Scotland
7.30 Thursday 16 November
Cairnbaan Hotel
All welcome!
At the last meeting of North Knapdale Community Council we decided we would like a special meeting with Forestry & Land Scotland.
We wanted to understand the changing plan to fell the Dunardry Ridge area, starting this winter. But we were also keen to have a more general understanding of FLS plans in the area including responses to climate change and the various diseases affecting trees.
I for one also find the planning and regulatory process as it applies to FLS a mystery!
In attendance from FLS will be
- Tommy McGrory – Assistant Operations Manager
- Susannah Hughes – Forestry Planner
- John Sutherland – Area Visitor Services Manager
Everyone, not only those from the North Knapdale area, is welcome. It will be an excellent opportunity to understand how FLS works and to have your queries answered.
Do pass on the invitation to anyone you think might be interested.
Richard Stein
Secretary North Knapdale Community Council
Date and Venue of Next North Knapdale Community Council Meeting:
7.30 pm Thursday 23rd November 2023 at Achnamara Village Hall
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of
31st August 2023:
Meeting Minutes – 16th May (Crinan Coffee Shop)
Other supporting documents can be found on the Meeting Minutes page.
Agenda – 31st August 2023 Crinan Coffee Shop
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – August 2023
Scottish Government Visitor Levy Conversation Toolkit
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of
16th May 2023:
Meeting Minutes – 16th May (Tayvallich Village Hall)
Community Budget Simulator Press Release
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – May 2023
Agenda – 16th May 2023 Tayvallich Village Hall
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – April 2023
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of
23rd February 2023:
Meeting Minutes – 23rd February (Achnamara Village Hall)
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – March 2023
Tayvallich Initiative Steering Group Update to NKCC 23 Feb 2023
Agenda – 23rd February 2023 Achnamara Village Hall
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – January 2023
Crinan Canal Community Forum
6.30p.m. Thursday 26 January, Cairnbaan Hotel
- To discuss progress of Scottish Canals’ winter works and changes of plan
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of 17th November 2022:
Meeting Minutes – 17th November (Crinan Coffee Shop)
Agenda – 17th November 2022 Crinan Coffee Shop
Forestry and Land Scotland – carparks
Click the link below to see information about an exchange of e-mails about car parking charges:
Scottish Canals tree removal and other correspondence
After a number of recent irritations, the Secretary has sent a letter of complaint to the Chief Executive of Scottish Canals:
2022-10-27-Letter-to CE-Scottish_Canals
The Chief Executive of Scottish Canals has replied:
2022-11-09-Letter-from CE-Scottish_Canals
The Secretary has been contacted by Laurie Piper about trees that SC plan to remove adjacent to Lock 14 (pictures attached) . They say this is necessary to extend the hard stand to store the Lock 15 gates until they can be installed (we hope next year!). They say there are no other suitable locations as the gates have already been delivered.
Note of meeting with Forestry and Land Scotland
Here is a short note of our extremely successful meeting on Wednesday 26th October. FLS will update us of any developments,
Meeting with Forestry and Land Scotland
7.30pm Wednesday 26 October, Cairnbaan Hotel
- To discuss FLS winter 2022/23 felling along Crinan to Cairnbaan road and down towards Achnamara & Tayvallich, and their more general plans
Crinan Canal Community Forum
6.30- 8pm Tuesday 8 November, Cairnbaan Hotel
- To discuss progress of Scottish Canals’ winter works and changes of plan
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of 18th August 2022:
Meeting Minutes – 18th August (Achnamara)
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – August 2022
Agenda – 18th August 2022 Tayvallich Village Hall
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of 17th May 2022:
Meeting Minutes – 17th May (Achnamara)
AGM Minutes (2022) – 17th May (Achnamara)
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – May 2022
See Minutes page for Agendas
Date and Venue of Next North Knapdale Community Council Meeting & 2022 AGM:
7.30 pm Tuesday 17th May 2022 at Achnamara Village Hall
(Please note change of date from 7.30 pm Wednesday 25th May 2022 )
Agenda – 17th May 2022 Achnamara Village Hall
AGM Agenda (2022) – 17th May 2022
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of 3rd March 2022:
Meeting Minutes – 3rd March (Crinan)
Scottish Water – New Connections
Tayvallich Bay Sewerage – Scottish Water
See Minutes page for Agendas
Date and Venue of Next North Knapdale Community Council Meeting:
7.30 pm Thursday 3rd March 2022 at the Crinan Hotel Coffee Shop
Please note change of date as there was no venue available for the 24th February –
and N.B. the meeting will be held at the Crinan Coffee Shop by the Crinan Canal Basin.
Amended Agenda – 3rd March (Crinan Coffee Shop)
The agenda now includes an item to consider/adopt an amended scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils. The temporary arrangements in place during the pandemic are coming to an end and the amended scheme provides a continuing option to have remote meetings.
Agenda – 3rd March (Crinan Coffee Shop)
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of 24th November 2021:
Meeting Minutes – 24th November 2021 (Tayvallich)
Police Report for NKCC – Beat 42 – November 2021
Electric vehicles document links from Sandy Taylor
Re: Tayvallich Water Mains from Scottish Water
See Minutes page for Agendas
Minutes of North Knapdale Community Council Meeting of 7th September 2021:
Meeting Minutes – 7th September 2021 (Achnamara)
The next meeting will now be held on Wednesday 24th November at Tayvallich Village Hall.
See Minutes page for Agendas
Date and venue of next North Knapdale Community Council meeting and 2021 AGM:
Unfortunately, the date chosen for the next NKCC meeting and AGM (18th May) is conflicted for a few members of NKCC. The meeting will now be held on Tuesday, 25th May at 3 pm via zoom.
See Minutes page for Agendas
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council meeting and 2020 AGM held on the 24th March, 2021 at 3:00 pm via Zoom:
Meeting Minutes – 24th March 2021 (Zoom)
AGM Minutes (2020) – 24th March 2021 (Zoom)
The Sponsor Our Seascape fundraising initiative for the MACPool Redevelopment is underway! Please give generously.
email to
donate at
Date and venue of next North Knapdale Community Council meeting and AGM:
via Zoom, 24th March 2021, 3.00 p.m.
See Minutes page for Agendas
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council meeting held on the 27th January, 2021 at 3:30 pm via Zoom:
The Minutes can be found here:
Minutes – 27th January 2021 (Zoom)
Police Report for NKCC – 26th January 2021
Letter from Robert MacKay at West Coast Motors to Coucillor Dougie Philand 30/03/2020
From: Robert MacKay
Date: 30 March 2020 at 18:58:13 BST
To: “Philand, Dougie”
Subject: Help within the communities – West Coast Motors
Good Evening Douglas,
Hope you’re keeping well??
As a key service in your community, we recognise bus is for many the only way to access shops for food, prescriptions and other essentials. It also provides a vital service for critical and essential workers.
Last week we introduced free travel to all NHS staff and care workers who are working flat out during these times, but I think we could do a lot more to help around the community. I have personally spoke with a few of the local businesses to set up a delivery service for getting the essentials to places like Achnamara, Crinan, Kilmichael, Slockavullin, Ormsary and Ford these business are happy to take the order over the phone and our vehicles will stop by on route and pick anything up and take the supplies to these places.
The citylink services have been stepped down to one service instead of the five services a day, so the local communities in Lochgair, Minard, Furnace and Inveraray may struggle on getting the essentials. I’m currently working on trying to introduce a service what will enable anyone to get into Lochgilphead to pick anything up and get back home again with a short timeframe, I hoping to have this in place by the middle of this week. This will also open the door to delivering to these communities on route!
The problem we are having is trying to spread the word, would you be able to help??
More than happy for you to phone me to discuss in more detail.
Many Thanks
Robert Mackay
West Coast Motors
T: 01586 552319
Craig of Campbeltown Ltd trading as:
West Coast Motors – City Sightseeing Glasgow – Glasgow Citybus – Kintyre Express – Scotline Coaches Ltd – Borders Buses
Achnamara Community Support Contact list
Click the link below to see the list of who may be able to offer help or support:
Achnamara Community Support contact list
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council meeting held on the 18th February, 2020 at 7:30 pm at the Achnamara Village Hall:
The Minutes can be found here:
Meeting Minutes – 18th February at 7.30 p.m. (Achnamara Village Hall)
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council meeting held on the 19th November, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the Crinan Hotel:
The Minutes can be found here:
Meeting Minutes – 19th November 2019 (Crinan Hotel)
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council meeting held on the 20th August, 2019 at 7:30 pm at Tayvallich Village Hall:
The Minutes can be found here:
Meeting Minutes – 20th August 2019 (Tayvallich Village Hall)
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council AGM held on the 24th June, 2019 at 7:00 pm at Tayvallich Inn:
The Minutes can be found here: AGM Minutes – 24th June 2019 (Tayvallich Inn)
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council meeting held on the 14th May, 2019 at 7:40 pm at Achnamara Village Hall:
The Minutes can be found here:
Meeting Minutes – 14th May 2019 & AVHC School Closure Response is here
Meeting Minutes – 19th February 2019
Meeting Minutes – 20th November 2018
Meeting Minutes – 21st August, 2018
Meeting Minutes – 8th May 2018
Meeting Minutes – 20th February 2018
Meeting Minutes – 21st November 2017
Meeting Minutes – 22nd August 2017
Meeting Minutes – 23rd May 2017
Meeting Minutes – 21st February 2017
Meeting Minutes – 22nd November 2016
Scottish Canals Meeting Minutes – 29th September 2016
Meeting Minutes – 23rd August 2016
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council meeting held on the 17th May, 2016 at 7:40 pm at Achnamara Village Hall:
In attendance: Iain Ritchie, Andrew Wilson, Heather Williams, Peter Burrell, Ross Ryan, Pete Creech, Catherine MacLennan, Liz Swan, Ailsa Raeburn, and Sandy Taylor.
1. Welcome.
1. Apologies: Graham and Kate Walker, Sue Hillman, Chris Purslow, Andy Grant, Chris Perring, Kim Ritchie and Kirsten Logue.
2. Approval of minutes of last meeting: the minutes of the meeting of March 1st, 2016 were approved.
3. Matters arising/ correspondence: none.
4. Should NKCC join Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust?: Pete Creech of Heart of Argyll Wildlife Organisation shared his experience of AICCT. Aicct is a charitable organisation charged with promoting, preserving and protecting Argyll’s coast and countryside. It provides a mechanism for gathering funding for this purpose. So far it has a Development Manager in place, and has had notable success in Helensburgh and Dunoon with maintenance squads. It has worked locally with Blarbuie teaching woodland skills and helps the Council meet some of its goals relating to the Single Outcome Agreement. It was agreed that NKCC should join AICCT.
5. Should we support Barrandaimh/ Heart of Argyll Wildlife: Pete Creech continued to inform us of progress in leasing Barrandaimh from Forestry Commission Scotland. FCS had been very helpful, and the main stumbling block was the need to find money to upgrade the track to the building. Barrandaimh has the potential to offer a community asset that functions off-grid. It would have uses for Scouts and Artmap, for example. Other activities would relate to recording bio-diversity. HoAWO hope to create a legacy from the Beaver Trial, and to promote Knapdale as a premier wildlife watching destination. HoAWO were looking for NKCC to support their efforts. It was agreed that AW would write a letter in support of HoAWO efforts relating to Barrandaimh.
6. Planning issues (if any.): The only issue raised was the Crinan towpath. This work had been approved by Historic Scotland for the entire Scottish canal network. Local residents and NKCC were not consulted until after work had started. This was deemed poor as it related to consultation. There were reports that the surface was hard on dogs’ feet, and could cause issues for boats’ decks due to grit on shoes.
7. Road issues: Dougie Philand had dealt with the issues raised at the last meeting. Achnamara residents were worried that some of the patching was poor. There seemed to have been a rolling back on promises to resurface the road to Achnamara. The road beyond Achnamara is in a dreadful state. It is even worse beyond Castle Sween. This is a poor state of affairs given that we are trying to encourage tourists to enjoy the area. The main road along the canal is also deteriorating, and some action should be taken to improve the situation. Councillor Taylor was to be meeting Julian Green of the Roads Department. He will report back with the Roads Department response. Councillor Taylor reminded people to use the dedicated phone line, 01546-605-514, to continue to log issues.
8. Renewable updates, and Knapdale North Opportunities Trust: AW reiterated what IR had reported to the AGM. E’on had pulled out, EDF were still pursuing Cruach Brenfield on a smaller scale, Knapdale North Opportunities Trust had been registered as a company, and the Mid-Argyll initiative (MAi) was close to being established as a community investment vehicle.
9. AOCB: Tayvallich slipway was to be lengthened. NKCC had been approached by Marine Scotland as a consultee. It was agreed that NKCC would reply in support of the application.
10. Crinan Corridor Charrette: this process had been held with the purpose of improving and developing the Crinan Canal corridor. AW and RR had attended. RR felt that the process had been worthwhile, and it was to be hoped that some good ideas would emerge in June when the consultants report back.
11. Councillor Taylor was asked if he had anything to add. He noted that Councillors had found the necessary savings required to balance the budget. While residents won’t have noticed anything yet, Councillor Taylor felt residents would begin to notice these cuts soon. Impacts would be feltthrough 3 weekly bin collection and reduced maintenance of grass areas etc. On a brighter note, the Council has ear-marked £3 million to improve the Mid-Argyll area through the rural regeneration fund.
12. Date and venue of next meeting: the next meeting is to be held in Tayvallich on the 23rd August 2016, at Tayvallich Village Hall.
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council AGM held on the 17th May, 2016 at 7:30pm at the Achnamara Village Hall.
In attendance: Iain Ritchie, Andrew Wilson, Heather Williams, Peter Burrell,
Ross Ryan, Pete Creech, Catherine Maclennan, Liz Swan, Ailsa Raeburn, and Sandy Taylor.
1. Welcome: Iain Ritchie welcomed everyone.
2. Apologies: Graham and Kate Walker, Sue Hillman, Chris Purslow, Andy Grant, Chris Perring, Kim Ritchie and Kirsten Logue.
3. The minutes of the 2015 AGM were approved.
4. Chairman’s Report: The Convener, Iain Ritchie, noted that 2015- 2016 had been our first full year. Attendance at meetings had
been good, with up to 19 at meetings. It had been good to see
Councillors attend our meetings, and both Dougie Philand and Sandy Taylor have been most helpful when issues were raised. Issues which had been raised were generally well handled by the Council. Iain noted Dougie’s advice that reporting things properly was the key to getting results. Iain noted that Knapdale North Opportunities Trust (KNOT) had been established in order to deal with community benefit from renewables.
E’on have abandoned their development and EDF had reduced the scale of Cruach Brenfield. MAi (the Mid-Argyll initiative) is close to being established to manage community investment. Iain has been attending Community Planning Partnership meetings relating to the Single Outcome Agreement from the Council. He was now to help with how these goals are communicated. We
have been remiss in preparing our emergency plan, and Iain was going to seek to rectify that this year.
5. Treasurer’s Report: The accounts were prepared by Peter Burrell. These were approved.
6. Election of Office Bearers: IR, AW, and RR agreed to remain as Convener, Secretary, and Deputy Convener respectively. As PB offered his resignation from NKCC, AW agreed to take on the
treasurer role in the absence of any other volunteers.
7. Election of Co-opted Members: Heather Williams was co-opted onto NKCC, and agreed to stand in a by-election in the autumn. Ailsa Raeburn agreed to stand also.
8. The next AGM is to be held in May 2017.
Minutes for North Knapdale Community Council meeting held on the 1st March, 2016 at 7:30 pm at Crinan Hotel:
In attendance: Iain Ritchie, Ross Ryan, Catherine MacLennan, Ailsa Raeburn, John Marsden, Chris Perring, Gordon Doughty, Bill Halliday, Coun cilor Dougie Philand, Andy Grant, Graham Walker and Kate Walker.
1. Welcome. Iain welcomed those assembled
2. Apologies: Mike Kelly, Norma Kelly, Sue Hillman, Chris Purslow, Kirsten Logue and Peter Burrell.
3. Approval of minutes of last meeting: These were approved.
4. Matters arising/ correspondence: None.
5. Local Housing Strategy: Bill Halliday, Housing Manager A&BC.: Bill gave an interesting talk on A&BC obligations regarding housing. These include the provision of affordable housing. A role fulfilled by ACHA since 2006. The council sets housing basic standards and for energy efficiency. A new 5 year plan is about to be introduced, and the Housing Department would welcome feedback
. Bill also attached a link to a new round of Rural Housing Fund grants:
. The Housing Department are governed by the Single Outcome Agreement as it relates to
encouraging population growth. They have an emphasis on lifeling houses and sustainable communities. One of the biggest issues they
face is affordability of housing as it relates to the relatively low wages available in A&B. There is quite a long waiting list for affordable housing, and this can lead to homelessness. Bill asked us to consider what the perceived need is for housing in the NKCC area. (See attachment for a copy of Bill’s presentation.)
6. Planning issues (if any): None.
7. Road issues. The condition of the road in Crinan was raised. The Moss road was also raised. CM said the Achnamara road was in a poor state, and that people in Achnamara were looking forward to the resurfacing promised for this year. [Dougie Philand has raised these issues with the council.] Gordon Doughty suggested that the best way to get results was to contact Julian Green of the Roads Department on 01546 604 892.
8. Tayvallich Public Toilets. These have been damaged by a fallen tree and the roof is leaking. It had been thought that all toilets faced closure, but they have been reprieved. [Dougie Philand has since raised this issue with the relevant department].
9. A Cruach Infinis Windfarm. A response has been received from Inf inis rejecting any claim from NKCC for community benefit from A Cruach.
It was agreed that this should be followed up.
10. IR asked for an update on MAi (the Mid-Argyll initiative). AW stated that not much had transpired since the last NKCC meeting. IR had thought that MAi was considering community benefit funds, but AW stated that this had never been the case. MAi was only ever considering the potential for community ownership. There is great potential to benefit Mid- Argyll through MAiPlan (strategic goals and ideas) and MAiFund (the
management of funds from community investment for MAiPlan.)
11. Date and venue of next meeting: the next meeting is to be held at A chnamara Village Hall on May 24th, 2016 at 7:30pm.
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council Meeting held on the 17th November, 2015 at 7:30 pm at The Tayvallich Inn:
In attendance: Iain Ritchie (Convener), Andrew Wilson (Secretary), Peter Burrell (Finance), Catherine MacLennan, Ross Ryan, Councillor Dougie Philand, Andy Grant, Chris Perring, Libby Anderson, Sue Hillman, and Chris Purslow.
- Welcome: IR welcomed those attending.
- Apologies: Kim Ritchie, Ailsa Raeburn, Kirsten Logue, Donnie MacMillan, Liz Swann, Bernie Swann, Kathy Behr and Kerrien Grant.
- Minutes approval: The minutes of the meeting of 18th August were approved.
- Matters arising: Kirsten Logue had asked that it be minuted that she would absent herself from any discussions of MAiFund as she is lead officer for HIE in this case.
- Consultation:
i) Council Consultation on Spending:The consultation can be found at . It was agreed that AW would arrange some hard copies for the key venues in each village. The consultation runs until the end of the year.
ii) MACPool are running a petition at asking for support for their funding. The Citizen’s Advice Bureau are also looking for support regarding the removal ‘of direct funding to advice agencies.’
iii) A consultation is also running on the integration of health & social care services. Feedback is important here too, and can be offered at . - Planning: There were no planning issues to discuss.
- Roads and other issues:
i) There are still issues with potholes on the loop road around Crinan, the urinal in the Crinan toilet was leaking, and the boiler was making a strange sound.
ii) Achnamara residents reported that the street lights had failed to come back on after a recent power cut. There was also a report that there was a light on at Ashfield primary. As the school is now moth-balled, this was deemed a waste of money.
iii) The moss road from Bellanoch was reported to be badly potholed.
iv) Councillor Philand was to follow these issues up. - Establishment of a Community Trust:
i) Peter Burrell is proceeding to register Knapdale North Opportunities Trust (KNOT). The board will initially comprise Iain Ritchie, Peter Burrell, Ailsa Raeburn, Andrew Wilson and Andy Grant.
ii) Andrew Wilson reported on the progress of MAiFund and MAiPlan which are being developed to utilise Community Investment opportunities in renewables in the Mid-Argyll area (and perhaps beyond). AW highlighted the distinction between ownership and benefit.Things are progressing well, and lawyers have been appointed to help constitute the group. The MAiPlan consultations are proceeding well, and a good amount of feedback has been received, particularly from those at the High School. - Next meeting: The next meeting will be on 23rd February at 7:30pm at the Crinan Hotel (Coffee Shop?)
Letter to Commission of Scotland about Local Government Boundary (September 2015)
Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland,
Thistle House,
91 Haymarket Terrace,
EH12 5HD
September 19th, 2015
Fifth Electoral Review – Argyll &Bute
The Boundary Commission proposals for Argyll and Bute were discussed at the NKCC meeting held on the 18th of August, 2015. We were unanimous in our sentiment that these proposals are a great mistake.
We accept that there is a requirement for fewer councillors in Argyll & Bute. This is needed due to a reduction in population. Locally, there is a will to try and reverse this trend by attracting in new inhabitants, and we would suggest that disturbing the social cohesion of Mid-Argyll will serve only to make this more difficult. Many of the clubs , associations and charities that form part of the social infrastructure of this area draw their members from Lochgilphead Ardrishaig and North Knapdale use Mid Argyll in their names to designate the community to which they belong.
Mid-Argyll, as a concept of place, is deeply ingrained, and anything that attempts to artificially alter that will have a detrimental impact.
The only way to reach Kintyre and the Islands from North Knapdale, other than over the hills on foot, is by road through Lochgilphead and Mid-Argyll. We have a connection with Kintyre as part of Argyll, but not in any sensible way as a Council ward. We all consider that we live in Mid-Argyll.
Ardrishaig and Lochgilphead are communities that need to work more closely together, and forcing them apart at the Council level will cause unnecessary problems. Lochgilphead and Dalmally, for example, have very little in common. The current Mid-Argyll structure is coherent and contiguous, and any changes equate to an exercise in number crunching, rather than a sensible and representative ward system.
We feel that we know who our Councillors are here, and this is surely a good thing for democracy.
Surely, the reduction in Councillors could more simply be achieved by reducing the current 4 Councillor wards to 3 Councillors? This would result in the required outcome, without harming social cohesion.
Yours faithfully,
Andrew Wilson (Secretary, NKCC).
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council Meeting held on the 18th August, 2015 at 7:30 pm at Achnamara Village Hall:
In attendance: Iain Ritchie (Convener), Andrew Wilson (Secretary), Peter Burrell (Finance), Catherine MacLennan, John McArthur, Fergie Anderson, Anne Anderson, Councillor Sandy Taylor, Councillor Donnie MacMillan, Bob MacIlwraith, Lilah Mehaffy, Andy Grant, Gordon Doughty, Norma Kelly, Michael Kelly, Graham Walker, Kate Walker, Alistair Hamilton and John Loxham.
- Welcome: IR welcomed those attending.
- Apologies: Kim Ritchie, Sue Hillman, Frank Nelson, Ailsa Raeburn, Kirsten Logue, Ross Ryan, Jane Allan and Kerrien Grant.
- Minutes approval: The minutes of the meeting of 19th May were approved.
- Matters arising: None
- Sandy Taylor: Asked that the community contribute their thought on two issue
i) The first regarding the integration of health and social care. Social work, GP and hospital services will integrate. Details here: . The community are asked to contribute thoughts via Survey Monkey here:
ii) The second is regarding service choices. The Council are to receive less money over coming years, and expect to make savings of £18 million over the next 2 years. What services do the community value most/ least. The budget will be set in February 2016. - Boundary Changes: Argyll and the Isles is projected to lose 13- 14% of its population over the next 25 years. Numbers have already fallen. The Boundary Commission for Scotland has decided that Argyll must lose 3 councillors and 1 ward. As a result North Knapdale (and Ardrishaig) would be lumped in with Kintyre. Although Boundary Commission decisions are seldom altered, the Community Council was asked to come up with a response. It was decided that representation would be made that it would be more cohesive for the community if the 4 councillor wards (3of them) were shrunk to 3 councillors. This would achieve the same end, without damaging the fabric of the Mid-Argyll community. Comment may be made at or online at www.consultation.lgbc- . Deadline is 28/10/15.
- Planning Issues: It was noted that the last meeting was held after planning had been granted for the development at Crinan Basin.
- Roads:
i) The 30 signs at Tayvallich are to be updated. Tayvalllich is not thought suitable for a 20 mph zone. IR noted that it seems strange that Crinan had no limit round the loop. This may be to do with the open spaces between developed areas.
ii) The Achnamara road had improved markedly, although the section between the village and Castle Sween was still dreadful. It was noted that it was difficult to report multiple potholes on line. Councillor Taylor said it was better to speak to departments direct, and that a case number would be issued. Councillors would follow up if complaints were not acted on. It was welcomed that it is proposed that significant funds be allocated to Achnamara road in next year’s budget.
iii) It was noted that the Achnamara Road doesn’t have a, ‘Please use passing places to allow overtaking sign.’ This would be helpful for residents.
iv) Recent flooding had been caused by blocked gullies which would once have been cleared. Councillor Taylor suggested that these should be reported by phone, and a case number obtained. - Establishment of a Community Trust:
i) A community trust needs to be established in order that NK can seek any available community benefit from renewables. It was agreed that IR, AW, AR, and KL who have made up the steering group, would take this forward as a board for the new trust. The company would be registered, and OSCR recognition would be sought. This was proposed by Andy Grant, and seconded by Catherine MacLennan. Andy Grant agreed to be the 5th member of the group, and his appointment was proposed by CM and seconded by IR.
ii) Ideas for uses for any funds were: marine amenity, the school(s), clubs, skills, volunteer transport, and improving the communication network.
iii) NKCC was urged to set up a community plan which could be endorsed by the CPP. It was suggested that any monies the Community Trust disbursed should, where possible, seek match funding. - AOCB: The Bins at the Crinan Basin car park were noted to be untidy, with bottlebanks overflowing. NKCC need to establish that these are Scottish Canals, and if so, write to them.
- Next meeting: The next meeting of NKCC will be held on Tuesday November 17, 2015 at 730pm. AW to see if it could be held at the Tayvallich Inn.
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council Meeting held on the 19th May, 2015 at 7:45 pm at the Crinan Hotel Coffee Shop:
In attendance: Iain Ritchie (Convener), Andrew Wilson (Secretary), Peter Burrell (Finance), Ross Ryan, Catherine MacLennan, Kirsten Logue, Ailsa Raeburn, John McArthur, Fergie Anderson, Anne Anderson, Chris Perring.
1. Welcome: IR Welcomed those attending.
2. Apologies: Kim Ritchie, Sue Hillman
3. Minutes Approval: The minutes of the meeting of 24th February were approved.
4. Matters arising: It was noted that the Taynish NNR road had been repaired.
5. Planning: Application14/02727relatingtoalterationstoan outbuilding at Crinan. Concerns were raised that the proposal involved win dows that would be out of keeping with other structures around the Canal basin.
6. Roads: KM pointed out the dreadful state of Achnamara road. She had been asked to raise it to the CC repeatedly by members of the community.
IR raised the terrible state of the loop road around Crinan, and of the surface into and around the Canal basin car park.
The corner after the long straight at Bellanoch is in an appalling condition, and is in need of repair.
Fergie and Anne Anderson suggested that there was an issue with speeding in Tayvallich. Not everyone agreed, but Fergie insisted that this was a problem, and he had others who agreed with him. The Andersons suggested reducing the limit to 20. Another suggestion was to highlight the existing 30 limit more. Ross Ryan said there was a similar issue in Crinan. It was agreed to look into the options and report back. NKCC would find out the experience of Craignish CC on this issue.
7. Establishment of a Community Trust: A community trust needs to be established in order that NK can seek any available community benefit from renewables. It was agreed that IR, AW, AR, and KL would take this forward. Questions requiring to be answered include:
A. the purpose of the Trust,
B. what expenditure it could make,
C. what sort of board/oversight would be required,
D. relationship to other funding sources,
E. would it be required to hold assets,
F. what would it’s geographical limits be,
G. Membership would be as diverse as possible; under 15,
Associate (non-resident), and Ordinary (16+)
The vehicle would likely need to be a development trust. A decision would need to be made as to its registered office. Directors and office bearers would need to be appointed at the first AGM and this should include members beyond the CC.
Community Investment in Renewables: AW noted that the Chamber of Commerce initiative was moving forward, and that an application had been made to Local Energy Scotland for funding for legal and financial advice leading towards the creation of a vehicle for Community Investment.
AW was to look into any hydro schemes proposed, or any sites suitable for such development.
8. Presentation: John McArthur of Tayvallich Bay Association gave a most interesting presentation on TBAs plans for the area around the
Tayvallich pontoon. The TBA have funds to improve and extend the slipway. TBA sought NKCC support for a more ambitious plan in the area where the Tayvallich Sailing Club Cygnets currently store their equipment. These plans were generally seen to be an improvement, and it was agreed that PB of NKCC would form a group with JM of the TBA, Jilly Wilson of
the Tayvallich Sailing Club, and Kevin Williams of the Tayvallich Community Company to look further into these improvements. They would require to seek funding of £120,000 to achieve this.
9. AOCB:
The Beech Trees near the Tayvallich Hall Car Park were deemed to be causing a danger as they are inclined to fall down. KL confirmed that the trees were on Village Hall land, and that the Hall Committee were seeking a solution.
CM noted that Achnamara Hall was in danger of closing. There are not enough volunteers for the committee, and the hall lacks events. She urged the meeting to try and come up with uses for the hall. It is available for all sorts of functions and events. NKCC could share events on its Facebook page, and help with marketing. The ‘Touring Network’ was suggested as a source of gigs.
10. Next Meeting: The next meeting of NKCC will be held on Tuesday August 18th, 2015 in Achnamara Village Hall.
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council AGM held on the 19th May, 2015 at 7:30pm at the Crinan Hotel Coffee Shop:
In attendance: Iain Ritchie (Convener), Andrew Wilson (Secretary), Peter Burrell (Finance), Ross Ryan, Catherine MacLennan, Kirsten Logue, Ailsa Raeburn, John McArthur, Fergie Anderson, Anne Anderson, Chris Perring
- Welcome: IR Welcomed those attending.
- Apologies: Kim Ritchie, Sue Hillman
- Convener’s Report: Iain Ritchie noted that NKCC had only been running again since November 2014, having held its first full meeting in February, 2015. NKCC is still developing its lines of communication and hopes to improve on its links to the community. We hope to receive a balanced view of local opinion. NKCC has had access to social media and governance training. We have established a Facebook page ( ) and a website ( ) to help improve lines of communication. NKCC are still working to understand how the local Community Planning Partnership and Community Planning Group work.NKCC still has to work out an emergency response plan. NKCC need to start work on setting up a local Trust to ensure we can access community benefit from renewable energy. NKCC needs to comply with its obligations regarding Data Protection legislation.The officers of NKCC will remain the same until after elections due in October.
- Treasurer’s Report: NKCC has received £441.60 from Argyll and Bute Council. So far, no monies have been disbursed. The accounts were approved .
- Election of Co-opted Members: Catherine MacLennan, Kirstin Logue, and Ailsa Raeburn were Co-opted onto NKCC. They will be required to stand as Community Councillors in the October elections.
Agenda for North Knapdale Community Council AGM
Meeting to be held on the 19th May, 2015 at 7:30pm at the Coffee Shop, Crinan Hotel.
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Chairman’s Report.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Election of Office Bearers.
- Election of Co-opted Members
Agenda for North Knapdale Community Council
Meeting to be held on the 19th May at 7:45pm at the Coffee Shop, Crinan Hotel:
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Approval of minutes of last meeting.
- Matters arising/ correspondence.
- Planning issues (if any.)
- Road issues.
- Establishment of a Community Trust/ Renewables
- Presentation by Tayvallich Bay Association
- Date and venue of next meeting.
Community Council Meeting February 2015 – Draft Minutes
North Knapdale Community Council
Minutes of the North Knapdale Community Council meeting held on the 24th February, 2015 at 7:30pm at the Tayvallich Inn:
In attendance: Iain Ritchie (Convener), Andrew Wilson (Secretary), Peter Burrell (Finance), Ross Ryan, Catherine MacLennan, Kirsten Logue, Ailsa Raeburn, Jane McArthur, Chris Todd, Donald Carmichael, Will Self, John McArthur, Councillor Douglas Philand, Councilor Sandy Taylor, Mark Davey of the Advertiser.
1. Welcome: IR Welcomed those attending.
2. Apologies: Councillor Donald MacMillan
3. Introduction of Argyll Councillors: Councillor Philand welcomed the new start for NKCC. Councillor Taylor was in agreement. Both felt that NKCC had a contribution to make to representing the community. Councillors Philand and Taylor divide responsibility for CC meetings, and swap areas every 6 months. Councillor Philand is handling our area at the moment, but they were due to swap shortly, hence both attended.
4. Declarations of interest (if any:) None.
5. Approval of minutes of last meeting. Approved.
6. Invitations to be co-opted at the AGM in May. Catherine MacLennan, Kirstin Logue, and Ailsa Raeburn signalled their intention to be co-opted onto NKCC at the AGM in May. NKCC would welcome a representative from Bellanoch.
7. Matters arising/ correspondence:
i) The Red Cross are offering first aid courses to outlying communities. It was agreed to notify the village halls of this opportunity. (AW)
ii) Social media training is available for Community Councillors on Monday 16th March.
iii) Governance training is available for Community Councillors on Monday 9th March at 2 pm at Kilmory.
iv) Community Broadband Scotland is attending Achnamara Hall on Monday 9th March. This should make clear what superfast broadband would be available in NK.
v) IR had been invited to attend an event on board HMS Argyll in Glasgow. PB agreed to accompany him
8. Bank Account
Bank Account progress/ accounts: PB is pursuing a bank account, and when this is complete NKCC will be able to receive operational funds from A&BC
9. Planning issues:
i) It was felt that none of the planning applications raised since NKCC reformed were of any import.
ii) The meeting was notified that the Local Development Plan was about to be introduced. NKCC reformed too late to submit comment.
10. Devolution of the powers of the Crown Estate: AW outlined that the CC had written to the relevant MP and MSPs regarding this issue.
Responses had been received from the convener of the relevant committee at Holyrood (Stuart McMillan) who confirmed that consultation would take place, and Michael Russell who felt that the officers would be retained, and that these would hopefully work with existing associations. Jamie McGrigor had also shared our concerns, and raised these with the Deputy First Minister. The DFM had replied that key Crown
Estate staff would be retained, and it was hoped would work with stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition.
11. Mid-Argyll Community Planning Partnership representation: It was agreed that IR would attend on behalf of NKCC.
12. Community benefit etc. from renewables:
i) NK has not yet received any community benefit from renewables, but likely would, should certain proposed developments near Ardrishaig and Inverneill be developed. In order to do so, NKCC would have to set up a trust for the purpose, or approach an existing local trust to expand its remit. The Councillors will need to study the Argyll guidance relating to trusts of this sort.
ii) The differences between benefit and ownership were raised. Ownership would likely be pursued under the auspices of the partnership working proposed by Mid =- Argyll Chamber of Commerce.
iii) The A&BC consultation on proposed changes to guidance on benefit from renewables was discussed. It was noted that the level per MW was being raised, and that the A&BC had realised the need for these funds to be spread in a less parochial manner.
iv) NKCC has been invited to respond to this consultation, and will do so.
13. AOCB.
i) The poor state of the road to Taynish NNR was raised, and Councillor Philand agreed to raise this.
ii) The decay of drainage and culverts between NK and Cairnbaan was raised, and again Councillor Philand was to raise this.
14. Date and venue of next meeting and AGM: These were set as being Tuesday, May 19th at 7:30pm at Crinan Hotel.
Inaugural Meeting of the North Knapdale Community Council
held in Tayvallich Village Hall on 16 December 2014
Present: Tricia O’Neill, Argyll and Bute Council
Peter Burrell, North Knapdale Community Council
Iain Ritchie, North Knapdale Community Council
Ross Ryan, North Knapdale Community Council
Andrew Wilson, North Knapdale Community Council
- Tricia O’Neill, on behalf of the Returning Officer, welcomed all to the meeting.
– There were no apologies for absence received.
- There were no declarations of interest.
- It was agreed to appoint Iain Ritchie as Convener of the Community Council.
- It was agreed to appoint Ryan Ross as Vice Convener.
- It was agreed to appoint Andrew Wilson as Secretary.
- It was agreed to appoint Peter Burrell as Treasurer.
- It was agreed that appointments of specialist administrators would be as follows:-
No appointments were made at this time.
- The community council considered and adopted the Model Constitution.
- The community council considered and adopted the Model Standing Orders
- The community council considered and adopted the Best Practice Agreement.
- Tricia O’Neill highlighted a range of governance issues including co-option, requirements for agenda and minutes to be publicly displayed, funding and training. He/she also handed out a copy of an index to supplement the Scheme for Establishment of Community Councils which had previously been circulated to all community councillors.
- The date of the next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th February 2015 at 7.30pm, venue to be confirmed
- Windfarm Trusts
Andrew agreed to follow up information on any findings available from windfarm trusts. It was requested that the Community Council Liaison Officer forward any information, including formal agreements that were in place. The Community Council was particularly interested in information available in relation to agreements with EON and EDF if there were any.
- Community Planning
The Community Council expressed an interest in more information on Community Planning Meetings and it was agreed that this would be forwarded to them by the Council.
- Community Council Boundary
In response to a query on the Community Council boundary it was confirmed that a detailed map was available on the Council Website under Community Councils and that Bellanoch fell within the boundary area but Cairnbaan did not. The Council would forward a link to the map directly to the Secretary.